lecture2Claim: φ ⇒ ¬ ¬ φ
Proof: Assume φ, we need to show (¬ φ) ⇒ ⊥.
So assume φ ⇒ ⊥; we need to show ⊥.
By combining the asumptions φ and φ ⇒ ⊥,
we obtain ⊥.
"HA ⊢ φ" is an abbreviation for: There is an HA-proof of the sequent "⊤ ⊢ φ".
Soundness Theorem: If HA ⊢ φ, then ⊩ φ.
^^^^^^ ^^^
"HA proves φ" "φ is realized"
Heyting "there is a program witnessing φ"
Example: HA proves that beyond every number n, there is a prime p>n.
Hence: There is a program which reads a number n as input
and outputs a prime p > n.
Uses: - integrated developments
- metatheory, for instance to prove:
If HA ⊢ (α ∨ β), then (HA ⊢ α) or (HA ⊢ β).
Totally false for classical systems like PA or ZFC.
- philosophy
- recognizing/understanding proofs
Def.: ⊩ φ if and only if there exists e ∈ ℕ such that e ⊩ φ.
(We picture e to denote the e'th Turing ^^^^^^
machine in some adequate enumeration "e realizes φ"
of all Turing machines.)
Def.: e ⊩ (φ ⇒ ψ) iff for every r ∈ ℕ such that r ⊩ φ,
e·r↓ and e·r ⊩ ψ.
^^^^ (e·r is the result of applying
the computation the input r to the e'th
e·r terminates Turing machine)
with a
natural number
e ⊩ ⊥ iff contradiction.
e ⊩ ⊤ iff true.
e ⊩ x = y iff ⟦x⟧ = ⟦y⟧.
e ⊩ (∀x:ℕ. φ(x)) iff for every x ∈ ℕ, e·x↓ and e·x ⊩ φ(x).
e ⊩ (∃x:ℕ. φ(x)) iff π₁ · e ↓ and π₂ · e ↓ and
π₂ · e ⊩ φ(π₁·e)
e ⊩ (φ ∨ ψ) iff π₁ · e ↓ and π₂ · e ↓ and
(if π₁·e = 0, then π₂·e ⊩ φ) and
(if π₁·e ≠ 0, then π₂·e ⊩ ψ).
e ⊩ (φ ∧ ψ) iff π₁ · e ↓ and π₂ · e ↓ and
π₁ · e ⊩ φ and π₂ · e ⊩ ψ.
(where πᵢ is the Turing machine which extracts
the i'th component from a pair)
Ex.: e ⊩ ¬φ iff e ⊩ (φ ⇒ ⊥) iff for every r ∈ ℕ such that r ⊩ φ,
e·r↓ and e·r ⊩ ⊥
iff for every r ∈ ℕ such that r ⊩ φ, contradiction
iff there is no r ∈ ℕ such that r ⊩ φ
iff ¬ (⊩ φ).
Hence: If ¬φ is realized at all, then it is so by any number.
Ex.: e ⊩ ¬¬ψ iff ¬ (⊩ ¬ψ) iff ¬ (∃r∈ℕ. r ⊩ ¬ψ)
iff ¬ (∃r∈ℕ. ¬ (⊩ ψ))
iff ¬¬ (⊩ ψ).
Ex.: For most ψ, we don't have ⊩ (¬¬ψ ⇒ ψ).
HA (Heyting Arithmetic) is a foundational system for working with natural numbers.
It's the intuitionistic cousin of PA (Peano Arithmetic).
The language of HA is: 0, S, +, *.
The axioms of HA:
1. ∀x. x + zero = x
2. ∀x. ∀y. x + S(y) = S(x + y)
3. ...
4. induction scheme
The rules of HA are: (see exercise sheet)
Theorem: If HA ⊢ φ, then φ is true.
Proof: By inspection, the axioms of HA are all true; and the rules of HA
preserve truth.
Proof of soundness: By inspection, the axioms of HA are all realized;
and the rules of HA preserve realizability.
One part of this: (orally)
For instance, let's consider the rule
φ ∧ ψ ⊢ φ
So check that ⊩ (φ ∧ ψ ⇒ φ).
So we need to find a natural number e such that
for every r ∈ ℕ with r ⊩ (φ ∧ ψ), e·r↓ and e·r ⊩ φ.
This is done by setting e := π₁.
Now let's consider the rule
⊥ ⊢ φ
We need to find a realizer e ∈ ℕ such that e ⊩ (⊥ ⇒ φ).
Hence: e needs to satisfy: for every r∈ℕ s.th. r⊩⊥,
e·r↓ and e·r ⊩ φ. We can use e ≔ 42.
Now let's consider the rule
φ ⊢ χ ψ ⊢ χ
φ ∨ ψ ⊢ χ
Given e and f such that e ⊩ (φ ⇒ χ) and f ⊩ (ψ ⇒ χ),
we need to construct a number g ∈ ℕ such that
g ⊩ ((φ ∨ ψ) ⇒ χ).
Now let's consider the axiom
(P(0) ∧ (∀n:ℕ. P(n) ⇒ P(S(n)))) ⇒ (∀n:N. P(n)).
A realizer e ∈ ℕ for this axiom is a machine which...
base : P 0
step : (n : ℕ) → P n → P (S n)
step 3 (step 2 (step 1 (step 0 base))) : P 4
In classical logic, we neither have
φ ⇒ ⊩ φ
φ ⇐ ⊩ φ.
(Only for some statements φ.)
(Note: A statement φ is true in the effective topos
if and only if φ is realized.)
In effective topos, it is true that
φ ↔ ⊩ φ.
In other words, we have the following insight on realizability:
⊩ (φ ↔ (⊩ φ)). "Idempotence"